OK, I've discovered something brilliant. There is a brand-new line of jewelry called Fleurings, which allows you to wear live flowers as pendants or earrings. Conceived and made by Samantha Lockwood, it's one of those why-didn't-I-think-of-that items. Fleurings are made of gold or sterling silver, with small containers which hold water, like mini vases. You add a dramatic flower and gather rave compliments.
Here is Samantha wearing Fleurings earrings:

The website claims that Fleurings are made by mermaids, but we have to inject a cautious note of scepticism. I do know that Samantha, an actress whose parents are both actors, has a brilliant idea, and expect to see them all over Hollywood very soon. They are shown in most of the photos with orchids, but I can imagine lots of other flowers being just as easily worn - daisies, roses, hibiscus, or even some of the ornamental grasses.
We've shown you some photos from the website, http://www.fleurings.com/

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